You know what the biggest problem with email is? It's the fact that the recipient misses out on the tone...
"Hi" - the quotes means I'm actually talking to you
(Hi) - it's an afterthought
Hi! - I'm excited to see you
Hi? - I can't hear you
Hi - I'm thinking of saying hello
Hi - I'm emphasising it
HI - I'm shouting at you
Yep - almost all the old-school metadata is there...
Except sarcasm.
You have to hope that your recipient knows when you mean it, and when you're ripping on them: Therefore, I propose the introducion of...
§ Sarcasm marks - they're a great idea!!! §
Simply place your text between two squiggly "S" things - §, (or maybe $?), and you're telling the reader that it is sarcasm, and they don't really have to § Ask for a raise for that good suggestion §, or believe you when you say, § I would never call you fat! § or when they reply, § Yes, you do have a big readership of your §§ riveting §§ blog... §
You can even "Air-Sarc":
And yes, I know it looks like a Diana Ross & the Supremes dance move - § That's Not Gay At All! §
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